08 Apr What Are Nowadays Laser Technologies?
What is the laser you ask? You can hardly get an answer neither from those people who use cosmetology services nor from the medical or cosmetology pros. Let’s get through the laser nature and its invention history both and make clear what are the modern laser types and what are their designations in modern aesthetic medicine.
The history of the laser began back in 1916 when the well-known scientist A. Einstein predicted the existence and formulated his theory of the phenomenon of stimulated radiation – the physical basis of all lasers. Later, many scientists all over the world tried to bring this idea to life. The first laser, which came into reality, was created by the American physicist Theodor Meinman in 1960. It was a laser that worked on a gemstone crystal technology using natural ruby. At the same time, scientists began to use this technology. An American doctor Goldman used a ruby laser to remove tattoos and correct skin defects in 1962.
The lasers are used intensively merely in all the scientific and practical industries, excluding only a few ones. They are using widely in manufacturing, building industry, science and investigation industries, in the military industries, and in the medicine of course.
Less than sixty years ago nobody knew about that technology type, and the laser itself hasn’t existed. Giving thanks to the curiosity and enthusiasm of scientists from all over the world (USA, Germany, USSR, etc.) we know what a laser is and use it in our practice, in laser cosmetology particularly.
According to the dictionary, a laser is the source of the high-intensive, coherent ultraviolet or infrared radiation with the same wavelength focused in the narrow beam of light. No one practically knows the LASER is actually an abbreviation, depicturing its main features:
L – for light;
A – for amplification;
S – for stimulated;
E – for emission;
R – for radiation.
All that means that laser is an amplified light with the stimulated radiation emission. The source of the radiation could be a solid, liquor or a gas instantly. According to this division, all the lasers can be distinguished:
The solid ones – using the ruby, ND:YAG, Er:YAG, KTP or alexandrite as the basic component.
The diode lasers with the few wave frequencies in use.
The gas-based lasers – using CO2. Argon with the copper steam.
The liquid lasers;
Dye lasers.
Laser technologies have been used in aesthetic medicine since the 1960s, but only with the development of the method of selective photothermolysis in 1981, it became possible to have an effect without damaging the skin. To date, aesthetic cosmetology uses many types of lasers. After reviewing the sources, one can conclude that more than 200 nosologies can be treated with lasers.
In contrast with the public opinion seems to be the safest method, since this technology is one of the most predictable.
The reason for its effect clues in the targeted cells ability to have their own degree of the wave absorption depending on the thermal conductivity of these targets. Working with the laser-based equipment the medical specialist knows exactly how the mechanism of each wavelength works and which cell types it affects.
There’s also a frightening effect on the word ‘radiation’ causes on patients, resembling it with the X-ray radiation. But these radiation types aren’t similar, so you shouldn’t confuse them (we will make an accent on these concepts in our future essays).
The principle of laser’s operation is actual: when a laser is applied from a certain wavelength to a specific cell, only the expected processes and effects occur:
• evaporation of water during grinding,
• heating the protein (which gives a lifting effect),
• destruction of melanin during pigmentation elimination,
• destruction of tattoo pigment upon their removal
• destruction of hair follicle bulbs during epilation and so on.
It is also important to note that during the procedure the laser beams do not scatter, but just hit the target without damaging the surrounding tissues. One of the complications, which is possible in the case of improper use of a laser or unqualified specialist, is overheating of the surrounding tissue, which in turn can lead to complications (burns and fibrosis).
Touch Light Clinic’s chief dermatologist and venereologist Gassan Albustandzhi believes that the laser became an important medical tool after scientists were able to direct laser beams to chromophores, that is, to target cells, without damaging the surrounding tissues. In spite of all its advantages, the laser cannot control the specialist; the laser must be an extension of his hand. The doctor should correct selectively the parameters of exposure: wavelength, duration, pulse frequency, power, etc., and should not blindly follow the instructions. Before using laser technology, you need to diagnose the problem and find the optimal solution for every individual case.
Many of us have some little-sized but hated aesthetic defects, be it pigment spots, scars, stretch marks or keloid scars. Laser technology is the only way to deal with such problems. Therefore, thanks to the laser in the right hands, you can change the lives of your patients for the better.